Acetaldehyde is formed during combustion and is present in smoke and exhaust fumes. Plants can produce acetaldehyde and it is also formed in the human body as part of normal metabolism.
Acetaldehyde is in low levels in cured tobacco, but increases significantly mainly during the preparation process in Swedish snus production. The levels in Swedish snus are significantly lower than in e.g. fruit.
Acetaldehyde occurs naturally in ripe fruit, milk, coffee and bread. Acetaldehyde may be used as a flavouring agent in food.
WHO has classified acetaldehyde as a possible carcinogen.
Swedish snus and foodstuffs
100 g banana contains 1,000 micrograms of acetaldehyde, which corresponds to the content in 3.5 (x) 24 g cans of Swedish snus.
Limit values
There are no national or EU legal limits of acetaldehyde, either in food or in smoke-free tobacco products. Acetaldehyde was assigned a GOTHIATEK limit in 2016.