Half Year Report January – June 2009
• In local currencies, sales for the second quarter increased by 2 percent*
• Operating profit for the second quarter increased by 30 percent to 899 MSEK (691)*
• In local currencies, operating profit for the second quarter increased by 13 percent*
• EPS (basic) for the second quarter amounted to 2.51 SEK (1.89)*
• EPS (basic) including discontinued operations for the second quarter, amounted to 2.68 SEK (2.04)
* Amounts exclude Swedish Match South Africa, which is separately reported as discontinued operations
Swedish Match AB (publ), SE-118 85 Stockholm
Visiting address: Rosenlundsgatan 36, Telephone: +46 8 658 02 00
Corporate Identity Number: 556015-0756
For further information, please contact:
Lars Dahlgren, President and Chief Executive Officer
Office +46 8 658 0441, Mobile +46 70 958 0441
Joakim Tilly, Chief Financial Officer
Office +46 8 658 0213, Mobile +46 76 860 9597
Henrik Brehmer, Senior Vice President Corporate Communications
Office +46 8 658 0452, Mobile +46 76 111 3414
Emmett Harrison, Vice President, Investor Relations
Office +46 8 658 0173, Mobile +46 70 938 0173
Richard Flaherty, President North America Division, US Investor Relations contact
Office +1 804 302 1774, Mobile +1 804 400 1774
The character of the information in this report is such that it shall be disclosed by Swedish Match AB (publ) in accordance with the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was disclosed to the media on July 17, 2009 at 08.00 a.m. (CET).