Report on Operations full year 2005
• Fourth quarter operating income was 678 MSEK (508) and full year operating income was 2,825 MSEK (3,593)
• Operating income for the full year, excluding major one-time items, was 2,618 MSEK (2,312)
• Net profit for the fourth quarter was 456 MSEK (297), and for the full year was 1,777 MSEK (2,084)
• Fourth quarter EPS was 1.47 SEK (0.86), and full year EPS was 5.61 SEK (6.18)
• The Board proposes an increased dividend to 2.10 SEK (1.90)
Swedish Match AB (publ), SE-118 85 Stockholm
Visiting address: Rosenlundsgatan 36, Telephone: 08 658 02 00
Corporate Identity Number: 556015-0756
For further information, please contact:
Sven Hindrikes, President and Chief Executive Officer
Office +46 8 658 02 82, Mobile +46 70 567 41 76
Lars Dahlgren, Chief Financial Officer
Office +46 8 658 04 41, Mobile +46 70 958 04 41
Bo Aulin, Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel
Office +46 8 658 03 64, Mobile +46 70 558 03 64
Emmett Harrison, Vice President, Investor Relations (IR)
Office +46 8 658 01 73, Mobile +46 70 938 01 73
Richard Flaherty, Vice President, Business Control & CFO, IR (US)
Office +1 804 302 1774, Mobile +1 804 400 1774