General Mackmyra – a snus with the flavor of Swedish malt whisky
To celebrate General’s 150th anniversary, Swedish Match has teamed with Swedish whisky maker Mackmyra to develop a whisky snus that combines the craftsmanship of snus blending and whisky making in a joint product offering.
General Mackmyra will be sold in Swedish Match stores by the end of February, and available throughout Sweden in April.

“The flavor of General Mackmyra is derived from General’s spicy tobacco character combined with the soft, lightly smoked oakiness of Mackmyra’s malt whisky Svensk Ek (Swedish Oak). The result is a well-balanced blend of the finest flavors and aromas from both General and Mackmyra’s malt whisky, Swedish Ek,” says Swedish Match Master Blender, Mattias Schyberg, who has helped to develop the product.
The combination of tobacco and whisky is not new. But this is the first time Swedish Match has collaborated with a whisky maker to combine their expertise and develop the best whisky snus in the market.
“We can guarantee that General Mackmyra is the finest whisky snus that Swedish Match has ever made. Our success is the result of Swedish Match’s vast experience and knowledge of snus production, and Mackmyra’s entrepreneurship and willingness to experiment in a highly traditional niche. We formed a product development team of Master Blenders from both Swedish Match and Mackmyra who learned from each other in their quest to find a carefully balanced blend of General’s characteristic flavor and Mackmyra’s malt whisky, Swedish Ek,” says Carl Egeberg, Brand Manager for General.
Founded in 1999, Mackmyra has become a major producer of high-quality and ambitious whisky in a relatively short time. Although the history of General spans more than 150 years, both General and Mackmyra have a great deal in common. These two Swedish brands are both unique in their respective industries, and always striving to further develop and refine their products.
“General Mackmyra is the fruit of a perfect collaboration. Mackmyra is driven by the passion to explore our Swedish flavors, and the opportunity to combine a traditional Swedish product like snus and a classic brand like General was very inspiring. We have been involved since the early stages of the product, and our Master Blender, Angela D’Orazio, has contributed his whisky expertise to the development process. We are incredibly proud of the end result,” says Susanne Tedsjö, Marketing Manager at Mackmyra.
General Mackmyra
- In 2016, the largest snus brand in Scandinavia, General, will celebrate its 150th anniversary. To mark the occasion, Swedish Match will launch General Mackmyra – A whisky snus developed in collaboration with the Swedish whisky maker, Mackmyra.
- General Mackmyra is a tobacco-like snus, inspired by the traditional flavors of both General and Mackmyra. It has a rich tobacco character with notes of dried fruit, cedar and whisky, and a touch of tar and malt. And – naturally – spiced with Mackmyra Svensk Ek Whisky.
- General Mackmyra comes in Original Portions (24 grams) and Loose Snus (42 grams).
- General Mackmyra’s flavor has been developed by three Master Blenders: Lars Jonsson and Mattias Schyberg from Swedish Match, and Angela D’Orazio from Mackmyra.
- The product will be sold in Swedish Match stores in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Strömstad from 25 February. General Mackmyra will be available throughout Sweden in April.
- The packaging is inspired by Mackmyra’s Swedish malt whisky Svensk Ek, and created by Christian Sörlin from Swedish Match.