Environment goals important
Cecilia Wiksfors, Technology &
Quality Manager, Swedish Match
North Europe Division.
We have an integrated quality and environmental control system based on our operational processes. Since the snus production plants account for most of the Division’s energy, water and materials consumption, it is important for us to reduce our environmental impact,” says Cecilia Wiksfors, Technology & Quality Manager, Swedish Match North Europe Division.
Environmental awareness has increased sharply among consumers in recent years, and many people are currently talking about the “Al Gore effect.” Environmental demands on today’s consumer product companies are also increasing.
“There has been a highly significant change in consumer attitudes, and many consumers today make active climate choices. It’s important that we as a company communicate to the general public what we are doing to contribute to a cleaner and greener environment.”
Wiksfors also believes that future environmental choices by consumers will impact on business operations, and the challenge now is to ensure that environmental objectives and financial considerations interact in creating satisfactory results for the company.
“We can reduce costs considerably through smart climate actions. By planning our production operations carefully, we reduce tobacco waste. We sort the waste materials, which reduces waste-management costs and we minimize our transports through careful logistics planning.
Cecilia considers it important to develop attractive products for today’s environmentally aware consumers.
“We’re striving to use environmentfriendly materials in our packaging. For example, we use recyclable paper in the cardboard boxes, and the plastic we use in plastic boxes has a low chemical content, which generates minimal emissions.”
Operating as a climate-smart company is largely a matter of taking small steps in everyday operations. Several years ago, a decision was made to convert to green electricity.
Wiksfors believes environmental goals must be raised continuously.
“We have a strong position compared with many other companies. To become even better, and be able to renew our solutions, we monitor developments in the field of environmental technology and research.”
Quality and environmental aims in snus operations:
- To provide consumers with fresh snus with the right properties.
- To comply with environmental laws.
- Satisfying the demands of consumers and retailers.
- Developing cooperation with and imposing demands on suppliers and subcontractors.
- Gradually changing our utilization of materials, transports and energy to ensure that we meet the conditions for a sustainable society.