When was Swedish Match founded?
Swedish Match springs out of two historical Swedish companies. In 1915, The state-owned Svenska Tobaksmonopolet (the Swedish Tobacco Monopoly) was founded and in 1917, Svenska Tändsticks AB was founded, with Ivar Kreuger as President.
How do I apply for a vacancy?
When applying for a particular position we would like you to write a cover letter and attach your CV/resume. It is important that your CV is accurate, lack of information could result in not being considered for an interview. For more information, see the page Vacant positions.
Can Swedish snus be purchased directly from you?
Yes, you can order the entire Swedish Match snus range via the Company's e-commerce service, www.swedishmatch.se, and via your local brand page if you are a resident in another market.
Search FAQ
Which tree type is used in the manufacture of matches?
The best quality matches are manufactured from aspen. The timber must be strong, hard, white and odorless, have straight grains, easy to process and sufficiently porous to be able to absorb paraffin wax. Aspen has the best combination of all these properties for the manufacture of matches.
What is the wood treated with?
The matches are treated with mono-ammonium phosphate and dipped in paraffin.
Where are the aspen trees used for matches felled?
Aspen are mainly found in southern and central Blekinge and Gästrikland in Sweden.
What is a safety match and why is it called that – what makes it safe?
A safety match will only ignite when struck against a specially treated, chemically active friction surface on the side of the box. Compared with the earlier phosphorous matches, safety matches are non-poisonous, hence the name.
Before safety matches were invented (by G.E. Pasch in 1844), matches were manufactured using highly poisonous yellow phosphorous.